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Restaurant Payment Processing: Streamlining Payments and Boosting Efficiency

Charles Bayani

October 4, 2024

To customers, settling the bill is a simple transaction. But in a packed dining room, the traditional payment process can create bottlenecks—a cumbersome trickle-down effect that disrupts flow for nearly everyone in the restaurant.

This is where virtual payment solutions for restaurants shine.

On-the-go payment processing tools do more than just allow servers to seamlessly split bills and process payments directly at the table. They’re also powerful data-collecting devices that can transform your entire operation, including the back office. Here’s how these systems can revolutionize your restaurant.

Table-Side Payment Processing

The most obvious benefit of virtual restaurant payment processing is that it streamlines settling the bill. With handheld devices, servers can process payments in one fell swoop right at the table. This streamlined approach eliminates the song and dance of printing checks, dropping them off, returning to collect, searching for a pen, and then repeating the process over and over again dozens of times every shift.

But there’s more: Point of sale restaurant payment processing systems allow you to adjust bill errors and tips on the fly. Plus, the system increases security since cards never leave the customer’s hand.

Third-Party Integration

We don’t have to tell you that managing third-party platforms like Uber Eats and DoorDash (in addition to your own) is a logistical nightmare. And that’s the beauty of our virtual payment solutions for restaurants.

Our POS payment solutions for restaurants seamlessly integrate with a variety of services, from delivery apps to reservation platforms like OpenTable. This integration streamlines your entire operation—from processing and prep to fulfillment.

Connects Front & Back of House

Our on-the-go restaurant payment processing systems, like SkyTab, also tie orders to the kitchen's ticketing system. This eliminates the disconnect between the front and back of house, reducing errors from manual entry and ensuring special instructions are clearly communicated to chefs. It also allows for real-time updates, eliminates paper, ink, and lost tickets, and creates a seamless flow of information!

More Data-Driven Insights

The Payment HQ's Point of Sale payment solutions for restaurants do more than simplify ordinary transactions—they also give owners loads of useful data.

These payment processing software systems are capable of:

  • Analyzing sales patterns
  • Identifying peak business hours
  • Pinpointing best-selling menu items
  • Tracking customer visits and preferences
  • Identifying employees who make the highest sales

These KPIs empower you to make smarter decisions on how to run your business.

In addition to creating incentives for your loyal customers, your point of sale system can become an asset that can help you understand your customers better and drive more revenue, increasing your profits.

Increase Security and Reduce Errors

Integrated restaurant POS systems also tighten security and reduce the risk of human error.

Often, customers do not tell servers that they want their bills split until they are settling the bill. With traditional systems, servers have to jump through multiple hoops, often manually calculating bill splits. And with traditional systems, customers must entrust their cards to the server. With our on-the-go systems, these concerns all but vanish.

Modern point-of-sale payment solutions for restaurants allow for real-time payment processing, which means credit cards never even leave the customer’s hands. Plus, servers are able to split bills on the fly, reducing the risk of errors.

The bottom line: Fewer errors means we speed up how quickly tables are served and turned over. This has two key benefits for the business owner:

  • More tables turned means more customers served and increased revenue.
  • Faster service leads to better customer experiences. Nobody likes long waits when dining out.
  • Happier customers often leave more generous tips, which makes servers happy.

Streamlined Restaurant Solutions Begin Here

Looking for tech-forward payment solutions for restaurants? We've got you covered. As a privately owned merchant service provider, we understand the needs of small business owners—which is why we offer a full line of customizable solutions built around the needs of restaurant owners. Contact us today to learn more!

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